Welcome the new you! 

Thank you for joing our lifestyle changing program at Luna MedSpa™.We are here to help you and advise you to have a better, healthier and longer life!With the new food and new habits you will feel and look better!EAT BETTER! FEEL BETTER!Let me introduce our personal trainer, lifestyle coach, nutritionist, with the multiple champion Mr. Alain Rosalie. 

Alain Rosalie (35 yrs), better known name as "Pipin" official athletes of Seychelles in the last 16 years. Part of the Seychelles national team and contractual affiliation with NSC. In 2023 the NSC choose him as a 'High level athlete' in Seychelles.  

Who am I? Alain Rosalie known as abszilar. I started training at 19 and never stopped it became a lifestyle. I was inspired by bodybuilders like Arnold the 7 times Mr Olympia and others the great classic physic they had in that generation. We all have a dream body we want let's do it together come train with me 1 on 1.

Compete dates and results:

  • 2013 local comp men's physic 3rd place
  • 2014 local comp men's physic 2nd place
  • 2015 local comp classic physic 1st place
  • 2016 local comp men's physic 1st pace
  • 2016 Eric Favre International comp 2nd place
  • 2019 Regis classic comp 1st place
  • 2019 Regis classic comp best ABS award
  • 2022 Night of Champion International comp South Africa 3rd place
  • 2023 Night of Champion International comp South Africa Classic Bodybuilding 1st place, Men's Phisic 2nd place

Top-notch services


the first step, when the nutritionist making a test with you and 

advise you according your results

SCR 500

Meal Plan

Weight-loss, Maintenance, Muscle-gains, Lean body

SCR 3,000

Training Program

Basic training program without instructor

SCR 2,000

Personal Training

10 sessions (60 min/session)

SCR 3,000